HR Investigations

Passionate about your people

HR investigations (most commonly in the context of a disciplinary or grievance case, but more frequently in relation to whistleblowing or harassment and bullying cases) require careful and sensitive handling. All parties in the case (whether the complainant, the accused or a witness) deserve to be treated with respect and it is essential that the investigator approaches the investigation with an open mind. Whilst you don’t have to adopt a “leave no stone unturned” mentality, you do need to adhere to principles of reasonableness. Knowing where to draw the line can be tricky.

Our HR Investigations team are experts in workplace investigations. They adopt a tried and tested approach which is designed to uncover the truth in a wholly impartial manner. Their objective is to produce an investigation report, with clear findings and recommendations, which can be made available to your hearing manager to assist with the decision making process. Our expectation is that each investigation which we conduct will be sufficiently robust to withstand any legal challenge.

To find out more about how we can assist with workplace investigations, please contact one of our team.