About Us
Launched in 2021, Horsfield Menzies exists for two main reasons:
· To provide employers and senior executives with a single point of access to outstanding HR legal, tax and consulting support on people issues in the workplace; and
· To provide a rewarding, collegiate and fully flexible working environment for professional advisers who share our passion for people issues.
Our skills, experience and critical mass enables us to work regularly with large corporates and, through our international network, multinational clients (including numerous listed clients). However, we also have the energy, enthusiasm and pricing flexibility to be able to work with start-ups and SMEs, as well as senior executives in their individual capacity.The diverse skills base in our team allows us to adopt a ‘full service’ approach to people issues in the workplace, meaning that nothing falls between the gaps. We give a 360 degree view and offer fully rounded solutions which leads to better results and greater peace of mind for our clients.
Our values are integral to our business, not just because they define our culture and set us apart from other firms, but also because they help to ensure a happy working environment. We believe that this is makes good business sense, because happiness in our team leads to better team engagement, better team engagement leads to improved client service, improved client service leads to happy clients, and happy clients are our best ambassadors.