Upskilling Our Youth

July 15 2022 is World Youth Skills Day. The theme this year is transforming youth skills for the future, with a particular focus on equipping those groups of young people who, because of socio-economic and other reasons, face barriers to entering the world of work.

We think there’s a great opportunity for employers to play their part by offering internships and work placements to young people, especially as we head into the long summer break. If this is something that you are considering, here are just a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Decide whether the work experience or internship will be paid or unpaid. In this regard, the key question is whether the individual will be work shadowing, in which case they will not be legally entitled to be paid, or performing work, in which case they will be entitled to be paid.

  • Ensure that you pay at least the National Minimum Wage to interns or placement students who are entitled to be paid.

  • Note that, even if you don’t consider that the individual is performing any work, unpaid internships are controversial. For example, in its 2019 Manifesto, the Labour Party committed to banning unpaid internships altogether.

  • Put in place a work experience or internship agreement. If your intention is that the individual is classed as a volunteer, then ensure that the agreement that you have in place does not inadvertently give them worker rights. So, there may be a reputational risk if you only offer unpaid roles.

  • Remember that paid interns or placement students who are performing work for you will be protected by certain employment rights. We’ve already mentioned the National Minimum Wage, but be mindful of discrimination legislation and don’t forget paid holidays.

  • If your goal is to help remove barriers that might otherwise exist for young people, why not connect with a charity or organisation in your area that specialises in supporting NEETs (16-24 year olds who are not in education, employment or training)?

If this is something you’re considering, we’d love to hear from you and help ensure that you stay the right side of the law when helping to upskill our youth. Please do get in touch with Simon Angus or Chloë who would be delighted to help.


Holiday Pay


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