The use of fit notes has hit the headlines recently as a result of Government issuing a ‘call for evidence’ on the reform of fit notes and our current Prime Minister declaring the country as having a ‘sick note culture’ which ‘must end’.
Fit notes were last reformed in 2010 when they were renamed as such having previously been called sick notes.  That reform also saw the introduction of the possibility of being declared ‘may be fit for work subject to the following advice’ i.e. a consideration of whether adjustments such as altered hours, amended duties etc could mean that the employee was capable of some work. However, the use of this category has historically been low with only 6.2% of fit notes in October 2022- September 2023 having this box ticked and advice given.  Consequently, Government has raised concerns that the remaining 93.8% of fit notes issues could be ’missing an opportunity’ to consider whether employees are fit for work in some capacity.
In 2023, the UK saw its highest sickness absence rates for over a decade. In 2022 – 2023, 14.8 million people in the UK reported a long-term health condition; this figure represents one third of the working population.  Therefore, in its Autumn 2023 statement, Government confirmed its desire to reform fit notes which essentially will see a shift away from GPs mainly issuing them.  A new ‘core process’ is envisaged which where people will first be triaged in order to be placed on a pathway that best meets their needs.  Thereafter, they will be assessed by a healthcare professional or work and health adviser who will have dedicated time to consider the factors that effect the person’s ability to work. From there, people can then be referred for more intensive work and health support, for example to Occupational Health services.
Critics of the Government’s approach to fit notes call it demonisation of the sick.  The mental health charity Mind make the point that there are approximately 1.9 million people on waiting lists for mental health support.  Disability Rights UK called it ‘disingenuous’ to call out a ‘sick note culture’ and made the wider point that shifting fit note duties away from GPs to ‘undefined’ work and health care advisers is concerning as it believes that GPs know their patients best.
Of course, the issue of sickness absence is a complex and multi-faceted one.  It is no secret that public services and in particular the NHS, are under immense pressure and services are not being provided to patients in a timely manner.   Disability Rights UK also makes the point that ‘rising poverty caused by inadequate benefit levels, the two child benefit cap, the bedroom tax and sanctions are a major cause in the  increase in ill health.’
You can take part in the call for evidence as an employer, or as an individual, and details are at the end of the article.  The consultation closes on 8 July, which is 4 days after the recently announced General Election.  If Labour gain power, as the polls currently predict, it is not clear how Labour may look to tackle the issue.


